Maximize Traffic Potential: AdMaven's Formats

Maximize Traffic Potential: AdMaven's Formats

Ad Types

Variety is the spice of life and the secret sauce to successful online advertising! At AdMaven, we help advertisers and publishers to harness the full potential of their traffic with a comprehensive suite of innovative ad formats. From eye-catching pop-unders to immersive native ads, our solutions are designed to maximize engagement and conversion rates.

Boost your website’s monetization by adding one of our new ad formats to those you’re currently using. It’s easy to set up and works perfectly with your current strategy to make you more money. With these ad formats, you’ll see better results and bigger profits, fast. Don’t miss out—give your website the upgrade it deserves!

Pop Ads

Pop Ads

Check out our most popular and effective ad format. When a user clicks anywhere on the page, this ad will pop up in a new tab, new tab under, or new window—your choice. You can even add our Adblock solution. This means your ads will reach everyone, even those with AdBlock installed. Don’t let blockers stop your ads; let them shine for all users!

AdBlock Solution

Adblock Solution

This additional function allows pop ads to reach all users even if they have an AdBlock installed. Due to the continuous increase in the use of Adblocks worldwide, this solution is crucial to prevent the conversions lost on Adblock users.

This format is available when using our pop ads.

We offer two easy implementation options: you can use JS code, which may require updates from time to time. The other option is Server to Server integration, where the script updates itself constantly.  this kind of implementation requires minor development skills but is highly recommended as it works for 99% of the users 100% of the time.

Push Ads

Push notifications

An extremely popular format that blends perfectly with other ads.

Push notifications appear as a small notification banner on both mobile and desktop devices, and asks the user to opt-in to the push notification service. If the users subscribe to the service, the website will be able to send them push notifications to the subscribed device. Every time the user clicks on the push notification that he receives – you get paid.

In-Page Push

2-click Push (Banner)

The 2-click Push (Banner) ad format offers a seamless integration for non-SSL websites, similar to the familiar push notification, but with a two-click registration process. This method enhances user engagement by simplifying the opt-in process, making it less intrusive and more user-friendly. It’s also an excellent backup for your existing push notification system, ensuring you never miss an opportunity to connect with your audience. This dual functionality makes it a versatile and effective tool in your advertising arsenal, helping to boost visibility and engagement effortlessly.

Native Ads

Native Banner

Known also as in-page push, this type of ad is a floating notification that appears within a user’s browser window, offering targeted content or promotions without requiring opt-in subscription. Native banners provide high CTR rates without interfering with the user’s experience.

As this format is monetized per click (CPC), The banners placement is set by the most clicked area on the website, ensuring higher conversions.

Native floaters are a great option for an additional ad, because they perform well in combination with other ads, as well as on their own.



Interstitial ads are full-screen ads that cover the interface of their host app or website, creating a highly engaging viewer experience. They typically appear at natural transition points, such as between activities or game levels, giving them a seamless integration without disrupting user flow. Users interact with these ads by either watching the ad in full, engaging with it, or choosing to close it via a clearly marked ‘X’ or ‘skip’ button. This type of interaction is designed to capture attention while providing a user-friendly option to continue with their original task, balancing visibility for advertisers with control for users.


Lightbox ads

Lightbox ads are interactive advertisements that expand within the webpage when a user clicks or hovers over them, typically starting as a small, unobtrusive banner. When a user clicks on them, they fill the screen, providing a rich media experience that can include videos, images, or interactive elements. Users engage with these ads by exploring the content, and they have the option to close the expanded view at any point by clicking on a close button. This format is designed to capture attention effectively, offering an engaging experience only if the user shows interest, which helps maintain a balance between visibility and user control.

Why diversifying your ads is important?

  1. Maximize Revenue Opportunities: Diversifying ad formats allows publishers to tap into different revenue streams, catering to various advertiser needs and preferences, which can increase overall earnings.
  2. Enhance User Experience: By offering a variety of ad types, publishers can improve the user experience on their site, ensuring that ads are less intrusive and more in tune with user activity and preferences.
  3. Reduce Dependency: Using multiple ad formats reduces reliance on any single source of income. This can be crucial for maintaining revenue stability in case one format underperforms or faces market changes.
  4. Attract a Broader Advertiser Base: A diverse range of ad offerings can attract a wider array of advertisers, including those who may require specific types of ad formats for their campaigns.
  5. Improve Ad Performance Tracking: Employing different types of ads allows publishers to better track which formats perform best with their audience, enabling more targeted and effective advertising strategies.

Contact us at to get 24/7 assistance with your new ad format.


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