Earn money with push notifications

Earn money with push notifications


There are quite a few ways to earn money with push notifications - one of the best ways to advertise. There are different kinds of push notifications and push traffic - each with its own special characteristics. Here are types of push notifications and the best ways to monetize them.

Sending Traffic Via Push Notifications

Publishers who own content websites can use this method to send traffic from blogs, through games and more.

The most common format used to be native push, but we there's a lot of growth in Hybrid and Interstitial formats. Most publishers are the owners of the domain where their push is located, and therefore usually work on a r-share model.

Advertisers who own their own brand can use this method in various verticals, such as Nutra, sweepstakes, etc. Native Push is the most widely adopted format, and lots of advertisers have seen an increase in their effective Cost Per Mille (eCPM) after integrating native push notifications into their advertising strategy. While some advertisers hesitate to incorporate new elements into their advertising process, concerned about potential srops in eCPM and conversion rates, those who have included Native elements in their pages often see enhanced eCPM outcomes.

As with publishers, advertisers also own their domain and therefore work with the revenue-share model.

Affiliates and networks buy traffic from many different sources and send it to 3rd party offers such as Nutra, sweepstakes, and Pay Per subscription push notifications. Usually they do not own the domain of the landing page, therefore the most common business model is Pay Per Subscription.

Different methods of sending traffic

Buying Traffic

You can buy traffic usingompanies such as OneSiganl, AdMaven, Urban Airship, and others, who work directly with publishers on their websites.

You can also use DSP’s and mediators – Companies that connect to various networks such as OneSiganl, AdMaven, and Urban Airship, in order to buy 3rd-party traffic. In this case, the advertiser loses about 40% of the profit because of the commission they take as mediators and the discrepancy between platforms.

There are also direct networks that connect to each other: today, all direct networks are connected and buy traffic from each other. Advertisers have the option to work with each ad network separately, taking advantage of each network’s strengths. However, it's hard work to operate 20 different platforms. Some prefer to connect with the biggest direct network, use their direct traffic, and in addition, also receive all the 3rd-party traffic they buy from the rest of the networks.

Which business models allow you to buy traffic?

All models (CPM/CPC/CPA) are available out there, but 90% of push traffic is being sold through CPC.

How to design your ad?

Everything you know about ad design is also relevant to Push Notifications. However, it is important to be familiar with the different push structures and how to optimize them properly for mobile and desktop. There are many ways to change and improve your push and it is important that you know all of its moving parts:

What kind of advertising works best with push notifications?

Since retargeting was added to the world of push notifications, it doesn’t matter anymore which vertical you are running - it all depends on your data, whether you advertise toasters, cars or a bank. For those of you who are still not working with retargeting, the most selling verticals are Nutra, Dating, Sports Betting, and Sweepstakes.

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