Shopping & Holiday Season Advertisers Guide

Shopping & Holiday Season Advertisers Guide


Shopping & Holiday Season Advertisers Guide


The holiday season, along with its shopping craze, is just around the corner, and it’s time to get ready because it's getting bigger and bigger every year, especially with Covid-19 still being relevant!

November is the ultimate shopping month starting with Chinese Singles' day (November 11th), Black Friday (November 26th), Cyber Monday (November 29th), as they open the holiday season.

Here are some tips and tricks to help you optimize campaigns and maximize your sales and offers.



                    Start Early - Timing And Budget                

It’s tempting to think that once you’d launch your campaign it will convert like crazy just because it’s the holiday season. What works for one advertiser, won’t necessarily work for another. Don’t wait for the last minute to start experimenting, start testing and optimizing now!

ADJUST YOUR BUDGET - traffic is going up, and so are the prices. Make sure your campaigns are always active by increasing budgets, removing caps, and possibly increasing your bids to win it all.

SCHEDULE YOUR CAMPAIGNS - make sure your campaigns are scheduled to run at least 5 days before the big sale events. visitors are highly engaging this period of the year and you can enjoy the hipe.



                          Popular verticals and creative tips                    

Well, you already know it - but we just want to make sure you don't forget -

eCommerce campaigns, especially those with cookies that let you enjoy late sales - are the best for the shopping and holiday season.

Remember that many advertisers run the same ads, so try and choose creatives that will catch visitors' eyes.

OTHER CAMPAIGN VERTICALS will also work great - especially if you adjust your landing pages (across all formats) and creatives (push and in page push).                    
Create shiny pages, present a special deal, award or opportunity and ride the wave of visitors being open to new things. Sweeps, Casino, Dating & Utilities will always do the job.                







                        Targeting & Tracking 

Having the right campaigns set up is one thing, but optimizing them is as important.

Make sure you have your tracking pixel in place - you can read about why is it important to have it in place in our post blog
TOP 5 BENEFITS You Will Gain From Using Conversion Tracking

Make sure your campaigns operate on every operating system and browser and don't neglect mobile - visitors nowadays do more and more of their shopping online and through their mobile phones.




For any questions or suggestions, please contact our devoted customer support.

Happy Shopping and Holiday Season!

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