Push ads tips and stats you should know in 2022

Push ads tips and stats you should know in 2022

Ad Types

Push notification ads are one of the most effective ways to advertise. The trick is to keep a delicate balance, because these ads are considered by some to be more intrusive and can quickly start to have a negative impact on your campaign. Used correctly, however, push ads can be a wonderful addition to any advertising campaign. 

In order to use push notifications properly, there are a few important facts you should know about them. These facts and stats can help you plan your campaign and optimize the usage of the push ads. Here is some important information and tips on how to use push notification ads in the best possible way:

Push notification opening rate is 50% higher than that of a newsletter. A lot of people disregard their email notifications, or check for mail only once or twice a day. Push notifications can reach those people more easily, and they also attract more attention from the user. That doesn't mean, of course, you should forego email marketing - just be aware of the differences and adjust your campaign accordingly.

The average phone in the US receives 46 push notifications every day from apps and advertisers (despite the fact that only about 50% of apps use push notifications). The question is - which users are more likely to opt-in for push ads? The answer is that Android users have a higher opt-in rate than iOS users - 81% vs 51%. That's because Apple makes it harder to opt-in for push notifications. This and more, web push notifications are not available on iOS. 

If you want to know which browser is the leader of push web subscribers, then the answer is Chrome. All browsers support push notifications, but since Chrome is the most popular by far, it's also where most of the push subscribers are - 90% of them use Chrome.

When is the best time to send a push? The stats show that during the afternoon and evening hours, the delivery rate for push notification is 60%. The best reaction rate achieved for push ads is Tuesday. It also largely depends on your target audience:

You should note that despite the fact that push ads are effective, the users still consider them irritating, mostly because they are distracting or not relevant. Make sure you know your audience inside and out, send only relevant push notifications and don't overdo it, otherwise you'll annoy your users.

Web push notifications CTR can vary between 15% up to 30%. This is a very important stat to consider, since it's mostly up to you, your targeting and your campaign message. In order to keep the CTR high, you should consider: 

Interesting to note - emojis improve push notifications CTR by around 5%.

When do users unsubscribe from push notifications?

Generally speaking, unsubscribes stay under 1% if you send no more than five pushes per week. For the best results, you should send no more than 3-5 notifications per week. 

These are the things users particularly hate about push notifications: when they are sent at the wrong time of the day, irrelevant push ads, expired offers and clickbait. In short, you should be honest, concise and time your push ads to perfection, in order to maximize your CTR and profits.


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