Pop-up VS Pop-under - which one should you use?

Pop-up VS Pop-under - which one should you use?

Ad Types

Pop ads are offered by almost every ad network in existence. The reason is simple - it's still one of the most effective, engaging ad formats, and it's very much alive and well in 2023, despite the fact that it's been around since the 90s. On average, the CTR for pop ads is 6 times higher than that of display banners. Pop ads also offer much better conversion than other ad types, sometimes boosting the ROI by as much as 250%. It's no wonder pop ads are popular among publishers and advertisers. 

The term "pop advertising" covers a few different pop ads. The two most important ones are pop-ups and pop-unders. As the names suggest, there's a significant difference between these two:


Are displayed on top of the website, often covering part of the content or all of it.


Ads open in the background, usually in a new tab or a new window. The user doesn't see the pop under until they close the browser.

Pop unders are a less invasive form of pop ads, which makes them useful in case you're worried about interrupting or annoying your users with a pop up ad. There are many instances in which you don't want to stop the flow of a user's engagement. For example, if a user is in the middle of selecting a product, reading the description of an event or clicking on a CTA button that's important to you. In these cases, you shouldn't disrupt the continuity of an interested, engaged user. Pop-unders are more subtle, and the user will see them after he's finished with his current flow. Pop unders offer a better user experience, and a more subtle way to advertise.

Still, sometimes you want to grab the attention of the user, and pop unders can be missed or closed without receiving the user's attention. Pop ups, on the other hand, are much harder to miss or to ignore. Pop ads may help you make more sales, turn leads into paying customers, sign up new users etc. 

Pop-unders are a type of advertising that can be effective even with a limited budget because they have a high click-through rate (CTR) of up to 7% and a relatively low cost-per-click. These ads are shown only once a day to unique users, which helps to minimize non-target traffic and save money. Additionally, popunders are separate from the publisher's content, so they won't interfere with or alter the design of your website.

Pop-unders may be less effective or visible for mobile users, so if most of your traffic is from smartphones, you might need to use pop ups instead. 

When to Choose Pop-Ups

  1. Immediate Engagement: Choose pop-ups when you need to immediately capture the user's attention, such as for time-sensitive offers, urgent announcements, or critical user actions (e.g., sign-ups, subscriptions).
  2. Visibility Assurance: Pop-ups are beneficial when ensuring your ad is seen is more critical than the disruption it might cause. This is often the case in environments where ads compete heavily for attention.
  3. High Engagement Sites: On websites where users are likely to spend a lot of time actively engaged (like gaming or interactive services), pop-ups can be effective because they capture attention during intense browsing sessions.

When to Choose Pop-Unders

  1. Subtlety in Advertising: Pop-unders are ideal for advertisers who prefer a less intrusive approach. They allow the advertisement to be presented without disrupting the user’s immediate experience.
  2. Post-Session Engagement: These are suitable for scenarios where it's preferable to engage users after they've completed their primary interaction with your site, such as after reading an article or completing a purchase.
  3. Cost-Effectiveness: For campaigns with tighter budgets, pop-unders can provide a good balance between visibility and expense, especially given their high CTR and the potential for reduced costs per click.

As always, the key to success in digital advertising is knowing your audience and what kind of ad works better for them. 

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