Mobile World Congress

Mobile World Congress



We at AdMaven always strive to bring our publishers the best possible products. To do that, our various teams make sure to attend all major industry events, in order to stay updated with the latest tech developments and meet with all the top publishers and advertisers to hear directly from them about what they would like and what bothers them.We had a great time at MWC in Barcelona ( and we accomplished a lot. We initiated several interesting cooperation on the tech side that should reduce your server costs and will increase optimization capabilities. We finalized several big cooperations that will go live in the next few months with world-leading advertisers and will increase CPM rates for our publishers.In addition, we gathered for you the hottest trends from Barcelona, relevant for anyone in the Publisher/Advertiser game:Audio Ads – The audio advertising industry is starting to gain momentum and is attracting much interest.

Native Ads – The big players are starting to see more and more competition from small and niche companies, as well as from Google.

Video Ads – Many companies are battling with the ever-growing issue of ad fraud, causing a major decrease in advertisers budgets.

App Installs – Many of the major advertisers had to reduce campaign budgets in 2018 due to ad fraud. Also, competition is growing from Facebook and Google, which entered the incent ads industry.

Push Notifications – Double figure market growth every month during the past year, both by publishers and advertisers.So MWC wasn’t just about business, we had a great time, met amazing people and attended great parties.

Whether you are one of our publishers or you would like to be, we hope you meet us in one of the next events, so contact our account managers and let us know so we can meet face to face.

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