Loyalty Always Pays Off!

Loyalty Always Pays Off!


One of the most important criteria in every relationship is loyalty. Whether it’s between friends, spouses or business partners, loyalty is key to a happy and fruitful relationship.

Before we start talking about loyalty in AdTech….

A little bit about Loyalty in Life and Business
Harvard University conducted a study for nearly 80 years ( pursuing the elements that leads to a good and happy life. What they found is that while good genes and an active lifestyle are great, but the happiest 80 years old’s are the ones who maintained happy and stable relationships throughout their life.
As we already know, one of the key elements to maintain such relationships is remaining loyal throughout the years – a key factor in every relationship, both personal and in business. Even though nowadays it is much harder than it used to be, we still see, and studies have proved it that loyalty is a very crucial part in business, whether if it’s between a company and its employees, or its customers and suppliers. (

Loyalty in the AdTech world – Publishers, Advertisers, and everything in between
In some cases, if you discard all loyalties you can make a few extra dollars in the short run, but if you are in it for the long run, loyalty is key. All sides earn a lot more if they remain loyal and not jump ship after every little thing. Unlike short-sided players who think this is a zero-sum game, smart and cautious players always see the bigger picture and think far enough ahead to know that if both sides remain loyal the pie will get bigger for both of them and they can both flourish.

Loyalty in AdMaven
For us in AdMaven loyalty is a core value. That’s why almost everyone who started at our group 10 years ago is either still with us, in other subsidiaries, or is working with us as a partner in other companies in the ad network industry even 10 years after. Since we value loyalty not just internally, we also have long-lasting business relationships with major clients such as Zeropark, 50onRed, AdventureFeeds and many many more. We are always in it for the long run and we do everything to see our partners succeed as well.

So, whether it’s in business, relationships, or just in life in general, loyalty is key for happiness and growth.

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