Key Verticals & Traffic Booming For Advertisers During Corona Crisis

Key Verticals & Traffic Booming For Advertisers During Corona Crisis


In the previous month, web traffic has skyrocketed. With people locked at home worldwide, the internet provides essential tools and entertainment but also utilities that are becoming increasingly important. For example, with more people working remotely or home-schooling, many people are investing in keeping their computers and phones safe - updating software, downloading new applications and trying new utility apps. 

This means that advertisers need to look for the right industries and fields that reflect the current demand - and create campaigns for the products, tools, and services that have seen a huge spike in demand. Based on AdMaven’s proprietary data, which takes into account over 2 billion daily ad impressions we have been able to clearly witness how some ad verticals are experiencing a real boom.

At AdMaven, we have seen a significant spike in traffic across key verticals, which provide advertisers with exceptional ROI, leveraging the increase in impressions and conversions.

Thriving Verticals With Huge ROI: 

Streaming, Gaming, Finance, Anti-Viruses, Subscription-based Apps, and Utilities are performing exceptionally well. With over so many people stuck at home and relying on their devices to stay entertained and updated – this is a perfect time to focus on these verticals.

Our data shows that between February and March 2019 advertising spend on some of these categories more than doubled. For example, spend on Anti-Virus adverts grew by 102% month over month and ad spend promoting online games grew by 109%.  

Struggling Verticals During Crisis: 

Dating, eCommerce, Sports Betting, and Travel have seen a huge decline for obvious reasons. Uncertainty means people are buying less online and the Travel vertical saw the biggest hit. You might want to slow down or pause activity across these under-performing verticals until the global outlook changes.

As people’s lifestyle changes, so do their needs when it comes to shopping. It is essential for advertisers to be at the forefront of customer insights to gain a competitive edge. Whenever there is a global behavioral shift, it is often the early adopters that reap the benefits of focusing their efforts in the right areas - and are able to preempt the spike in consumer demand before it becomes obvious to their competitors. 

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