Interstitial Ads: A Closer Look

Interstitial Ads: A Closer Look

Ad Types

After analyzing the performance of our publishers'monetization during the past month we can see a new rising star. We introducedseveral different improvements to our Interstitial ad model in the last fewmonths and the results are defiantly showing.

For those of you who still don't use this great monetizationtool, here are a few reasons why you should start using it right now:

User Friendly – The interstitial ad model is not intrusive.Users accept it as part of the natural flow of the website and it is easy forthem to close it without too much struggle.

Full Content Control – Choose the ad types and verticals youwant to show your users (including Native). Configure the right capping andintervals for your website.

High Performance – Taking into consideration the number of clicks and revenue the Interstitial generates, it makes it one of the highest performing models.

The new Interstitial design help improves, even more, the performance and the interaction of the users with the ads.

The new interstitial can also be used inside players, it has a new design much friendlier to the user, who can close it with fewer difficulties.

In conclusion, we don't want you to miss this great opportunity to earn big with another one of our best-performing products, so, until the 15th of December, every publisher who implements the Interstitial will receive a 15% BONUS on his revenue.

Contact your account manager now to get more details.

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