Highlights from Affiliate World Asia 2019

Highlights from Affiliate World Asia 2019


Affiliate World is the offline meeting place for the world’s top performance marketers and eCommerce entrepreneurs. Hosted in Bangkok, the conference gives attendees the opportunity to network with the industry’s brightest minds. The event provides a platform for more than 150 affiliate networks, where performance marketing experts discover to find the best offers and the latest products.

At AdMaven, we’re always excited to meet new partners, existing customers, and learn about cutting-edge advertising solutions at Affiliate World. We connected with more than 1500 advertisers and affiliates, and brought home over 600 business cards from industry peers we met over 3 amazing conference days, 5 insightful networking dinners and 6 industry parties. In addition, we got a chance to share upcoming product launches with some of our publishers (stay tuned for more on this!).

This year, the spotlight was on leveraging push notifications, and Facebook’s new Campaign Budget Optimization (CBO) feature:

Push Notifications:

Push ads can boost customer engagement by up to 88%. Andrew Payne and Anton Kornev, two well-known push ad veterans, hosted an intensive workshop to embrace push ads fully as they become smarter and more popular. With AdMaven’s edge as the biggest direct publisher of push messages, it was great for us to witness the demand for this format - especially as advertisers want to look for solutions that connect them directly with the most relevant publishers.

Both advertisers and publishers need more information and education to embrace push advertising and use it effectively. An increasing number of verticals are running push messages to advertise financial products, gaming, gambling, dating, eCommerce, content, and all sorts of offers. There is a lot of interest in this format, and competition is fierce to reach customers directly through relevant push messages that have the ability to boost conversions significantly with the right targeting.

Facebook Campaign Budget Optimization:

Trying to simplify things for advertisers, Facebook launched its CBO feature (Campaign Budget Optimization). It is designed to help automatically redistribute budget to the best performing audience. This optimization feature allows companies to dynamically allocate budgets to top-performing ad sets within a campaign. Some recommendations to implement this feature successfully from Zenia Johnson in her recent piece on Marketing Land include:

  1. Keeping the daily budget high enough so that your ad sets can get out of the learning phase within the seven-day optimization window
  2. Group “like” audiences together – this means keeping lookalikes within one campaign, interests within another campaign, etc.

Making the most of automation and setting dynamic rules is crucial for advertisers to thrive. automated rules can check your campaigns, ad sets, and ads, and then update or notify you of any changes. In addition to automatic checks and notifications, the tool is able to take the necessary actions for you. As a hand’s on advertiser, this means that you can create a series of rules to ensure that when you’re not online, your campaigns are still at optimum performance and delivering the right message to the right user. For example, rules can be used to automatically enable/ pause time-sensitive promotions, increase/decrease budgets based on CTR, or even adjusting bids during high-demand times.

See you in 2020!

It was great seeing so many familiar faces and meeting new ones at the event. We’re already looking forward to Affiliate World Europe next July, but before that, we look forward to meeting new publishers and advertisers in Las Vegas next month at Affiliate Summit West (January 27-29).
If you’re an advertiser and would like to learn more about how AdMaven solutions can help you maximize your ROI and reach with high-quality direct traffic solutions, get in touch! We’d love to help.

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