Get The Missing Piece For The Perfect Push Campaign

Get The Missing Piece For The Perfect Push Campaign


Do you know that feeling when you have finally found the one?That one top offer which you just know is going to convert?

You choose your creatives, set up a campaign, anxiously awaitingthe moment of truth but then… nothing happens. 

Most affiliates would probably stop their campaign immediately,ditching the offer and on to the quest of finding something new, but what if wetold you that there are quite a few things you can do?  

Our optimization team is happy to share with you some tips and tricks that can make a significant difference when running a push campaign on our platform!

How to set your daily budget

On Ad-Maven's platform, you have the option to limit your daily campaign budget and to choose how you would like to spend it - evenly over 24 hours or ASAP.

Our recommendation is to set a daily budget that’s at least x5more than your CPA goal or a minimum of $50 daily.

Setting a daily budget which is too low may significantly affectthe amount of traffic you are getting and therefore your chances to getconversions.

Recommended Bid

Having an awesome offer and beautiful creatives won't help youif you don't have the right bid for it. Not only the GEO affects the bid youshould set, but also the device, the OS, or every other specific targeting youchoose. Don't forget - you are competing with other advertisers for eachimpression, every impression you lose could have been your nextconversion. 

At each point, you can use our recommended rate card or contact our account managers to get up-to-date bids.

Add our Postback link

Adding a postback will significantly help you optimize yourcampaigns. In addition, our account managers will be happy to guide you throughthe optimization process. If you have the will, we have the way!

Don't have an account manager yet? If you spend over $200daily, you’ll get a dedicated account manager from our team.

Bid adjustments by publisher feed

Last but not least, and probably the most important tip we canshare.

In push campaigns, there is no connection between the user andthe source. Therefore, instead of blacklisting/whitelisting sources andpotentially losing great users, we allow you to set a different bid foreach publisher feed - allowing you to optimize your campaign a lot moreaccurately and reaching a positive ROI faster.

You can read about how to adjust your bid here.

Looking for additional traffic? duplicate your campaign andstart buying floating banner as well!

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