Get ready for AdMaven’s next-gen AI optimization technology

Get ready for AdMaven’s next-gen AI optimization technology


After months of hard work at AdMaven, we’re excited to unveil our updated AI optimization engine. These improvements are part of our efforts to update our AI algorithms on an ongoing basis to ensure publishers and advertisers have access to the latest tools to succeed. We are very close to launch, in the final stages of production, with the algorithm scheduled to be deployed in the coming weeks.

The new version is based on a series of stacked algorithms, to match the right ad at the right time, to each impression - with unprecedented efficiency.

We’re leveraging our advertising network which counts with thousands of website owners and serves over 100k direct & third party advertisers, all connected through hundreds of media acquisition networks.

Marketers and publishers face the challenge of personalizing messages based on customers’ interests and purchasing intentions. AI enables both marketers and publishers to take data analysis to the next level, understanding and connecting with people individually.

Want to learn more about how AI is changing the world of digital marketing? Don’t miss the new article, which mentions several companies in the industry, including AdMaven, and explores how to use AI marketing to create personalized messages and target customers with the right triggers, at the right time.

Forbes: How AI will change the world of digital marketing and why it’s so powerful

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