Gain Even More Out Of Your Ads

Gain Even More Out Of Your Ads


In order to make sure our publishers won't just have a good stable present but also a bright future, we've been busy at work. After our Native floater banner, Interstitial ad, and extra push offer now comes a new and improved ad block bypass solution, which will allow our publishers to show ads and monetize 100% of their users.

While about 20%-30% of the users use various ad-block extensions in their browsers and mobile devices, the adblock bypass solution can be a crucial component in a publisher's daily income. Though some ad networks have an ad block solution for pop, the new solution, fresh out of the AdMaven lab can also bypass blocking on the native floater ads as well, guaranteeing immediately a 20%-30% increase in our publishers' income.

This new addition is making sure our publishers continue to make the most of their traffic and current ads, allowing them to keep their site clean, without the need to load it with even more ads to generate additional revenue.

We invite you to join today and add our Native Floater to your arsenal with the new adblock solution.

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