Advertiser Tip: Anti-Virus Ad Spend Experiencing a Huge Spike!

Advertiser Tip: Anti-Virus Ad Spend Experiencing a Huge Spike!


COVID-19 isn’t the onlydangerous virus people want to steer away from! One of the verticals goingthrough a big spike over the past three months is anti-virus software ads.

At AdMaven, we witnessedan unprecedented 102% increase in spend on this category between February andMarch and an additional 95% spike in April. This means that the ad spend onthis vertical tripled between February and April!

With so many people athome it isn’t surprising that this vertical is experiencing such growth. Afterall, people are more reliant than ever on their devices to stay informed,connected, and entertained.

Don’t miss the wave! Theads are performing well across all types of ad formats including push, pop, andfloating push.

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