3 Ways To Optimize ROI for Native Push Campaigns

3 Ways To Optimize ROI for Native Push Campaigns


Our new Native Push Ads (also known as In-Page Push) look similar topush notifications or native ads. They integrate into the users’ experiencewhile they browse. This new format is easy to implement for advertising,providing creative flexibility to run campaigns with high ROI. 

There are gold nuggetseverywhere, and we're bringing you 3 tips to find them:

1. Create a whitelistfor your top performing sites / sub id’s: This will help you optimize on a publisher feed level, then drilldown to the sub id level. You can also create blacklists for non-converting sources to focus efforts on sites and sub id’s that convert well. Learn how to buildyour whitelist here.

2.Test several creatives and see which works best: bear in mind that native pushnotifications are displayed across all browsers and devices, but only ads areonly seen when the user is on the site. To increase your ROI it is crucial todevelop ad creative which is engaging and test multiple versions to seewhich ones convert better.

3. Improve yourmeasurement and enrich your data with postbacks: Make sure you have the best data throughimplementing postbacks. By looking at the stats on a publisher feed’s sub idlevel, you can control the performance of each specific campaign accurately. Learn aboutimplementing postbacks.

Each website might perform differently depending on the content of your campaign, so you must thoroughly unpack your offers and campaigns’ performance to understand how native push traffic behaves and evolves.

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